Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Letter of encouragement to survivors

B661, Bukit Timah Road ( 269734 )
Hwa Chong Institution

Wednesday, March 29th 2011

Dear Mr. Makihara,

How are you? I hope you are fine, especially after the earthquake that hit Japan so hard. After reading your article, I felt obliged to write this letter to comfort you. I am glad that no harm has befallen you and grateful for the fact that you live outside North Japan, which took the full brunt of not only the earthquake, but the tsunami and accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor as well. However, the dread one feels at the ignorance of the condition of one's family members is horrible and I am glad you found your son to be fine. I know that the terror of being caught in an earthquake, the cold feeling in one's stomach as he hears the ominous rumble and feels the familiar vibrating of the ground is unimaginable to one who has not been caught in an earthquake before.

From what I read of your article, although people are prepared for an earthquake, you still seem disordered and confused, not knowing what to do. However, you do not panic, which shows how strong the spirit and will you have. The aftershocks which followed served as a reminder of the earthquake, but still you did not waver in your will to live or your faith that everything was going to be fine. Your spirit and will to live is commendable and I am sure the world feels so too. I feel that the world should learn from you.

I rejoice once again that you have escaped from this crisis unharmed, and urge you to not be depressed but look at it optimistically, make preparations for a disaster-after all it is better to be safe then sorry-and also to reinforce your resolve and your will, so as not to crumble in the face of danger.